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Our basic approach to recruitment in every country where we operate is to comply with legal requirements and employ the best professionals. In accordance with the laws of the countries in which we operate, we primarily hire employees from local people. Programs are implemented to train specialists locally. Employees from other regions are hired only if there are no candidates with the required qualifications on the local labor market.

Employees with appropriate qualifications are hired for management positions in our foreign entities. If personnel with the necessary qualifications and capabilities are not available on local markets, Russian employees are appointed to managerial positions in order to promote the same corporate culture throughout 德州扑克短牌 Group and to expand their capabilities by gaining professional experience in international projects. For this purpose, the Company has a pool of employees who can be rotated. The risk of a loss in efficiency is therefore mitigated and the need for highly qualified and senior management is quickly met, regardless of the situation in local labor markets.