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he 德州扑克短牌 Group Organizations sell jet fuel in bulk and "into plane" to more than 30 airports of the Russian Federation and outside of Russia through a network of own subsidiaries, as well as under contracts with third-party fueling companies Besides, 德州扑克短牌 sells jet fuel as part of stock trading on a monthly basis.

Major Russian and foreign air carriers have been primary consumers of products for many years.

Fueling companies of the 德州扑克短牌 Group also provide lab quality control services in the airports of their presence on a contractual basis.

Cutting-edge equipment and fueling techniques, as well as qualified personnel guarantee high quality of products and services.

The fueling process implies the following services: jet fuel acceptance, storage at fueling facility warehouses, preparation for fueling and plane fueling.

You can find more detailed information on the provided services and service rendering terms at the website of OOO 德州扑克短牌-AERO and those of fueling enterprises. To choose the enterprise you are interested in please use the airport map.

The 德州扑克短牌 Group Organizations supplies jet fuel to the airports in Russia and outside of Russia. OOO 德州扑克短牌-AERO is a parent company. To visit the website choose the enterprise from the list.
