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History. 1993

Public Joint Stock Company "Oil Company "µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ" Incorporated

Regulation of the Council of Ministers — Russian Government No. 299 of April 5, 1993 incorporated public joint-stock company "Oil Company "µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ", the contributions to whose authorized capital were represented by controlling interests in 18 production, refining and marketing enterprises, including Langepasneftegaz, Urayneftegaz, Kogalymneftegaz, Perm and Volgograd refineries, and others.

Vagit Alekperov is appointed the Company's President and CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The privatization program is approved and the first issue of JSC µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ shares is registered. 

Charity Fund Created

At the initiative of the Company’s management, the Company establishes the µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ Charity Fund, one of the first corporate charity funds in contemporary Russia.  In partnership with public and governmental institutions the fund went on to become a key facility for implementation of the Company’s social charity programs in the regions of its presence in line with the Russian traditions of patronage.