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Social and Cultural Projects Competition


˿˶'s Social and Cultural Projects Competition has been held in the regions of the Company's presence since 2002. The main objective of the competition is to provide support to the local community projects and initiatives designed to address pressing issues of their territories, and help active citizens or entities implement their audacious social ideas in their regions. 

In the regions the Competition is held by ˿˶ Group entities and the ˿˶ Charity Fund. 

For the competition they consider applications in three major categories, including "Environment", "Spiritual Wellbeing and Culture" and "Sports". 

The ˿˶ Social and Cultural Projects Competition was declared winner of the first National Program "Russia's Best Social Projects" in the Socially Oriented Contests category, was featured in a project booklet of the same name, and won an award in the "Region Development. Best for Russia" federal program.

More details on the commencement of the Competition and its terms and conditions are available on regional websites under "Enter the Competition".

Be daring, propose, enter the Competition!

Press Releases


˿˶ started to devise its system of dealing with the indigenous minorities of the North (IMN) from its very foundation, since the first companies to make up the Group operated in the regions of IMN residence (KHMAA-Yugra).