Committed to its liabilities under the HSE Policy and minimization of operational and occupational risks, µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ Group companies develop and implement corporate health, safety and environmental protection programs.
• training and professional development of µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ Group employees;
• compliance of working places with regulatory requirements;
• supply of personal protection equipment, sanitation supplies, medical and preventive care;
• health safety arranged in line with state and corporate standards;
• industrial, fire safety and health management, legal, regulatory and organizational support;
• emergency prevention and response;
• compliance of µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ Group's facilities and assets with health, industrial and fire safety regulatory requirements;
• adequate scientific and technical solutions to respond to challenges.
The Company is implementing advanced digital solutions at its facilities, e-drills and e-permits for hazardous operations, video monitoring of hazardous operations, Mobile Pipeline Inspector software and hardware appliance, Safety Culture 4.0 application.
Seeking to continuously improve the management's and employees' HSE awareness and expertise in health and safety, the Company trains employees to take proper immediate actions in case of an emergency or an accident, to apply basic protection skills, and organizes exercises and drills for the employees to put the knowledge into practice. Thus, the facilities with fifty and over fifty people on site hold emergency evacuation drills at least once every six months, and managers of all tiers and all employees undergo training in fire and disaster protection.
On-site drills are compulsory for employees of µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ Group companies and their contractors, operating at the facility in the time of the drill.
The annual training and awareness agenda is based on the following action plan:
• internal and external trainings, refresher trainings, professional development;
• HSE training and monitoring plans update;
• special trainings for personnel, operating hazardous facilities;
• promotion of safety values.
The company has introduced case simulators to train actions in emergencies and improve technical skills, required to operate complex equipment. Thanks to advantages of distance learning, employees have an opportunity to upgrade their skills, test the quality of their knowledge and receive certificates of completion.
To raise HSE awareness and spread crucial HSE information, the Company uses means of visualization, communication or motivation, depending on how information is expected to be perceived.
Means of visualization serve as constant reminders of the necessity to behave safely at work. Safe conduct is promoted in video films and presentation materials displayed onscreen in office lobbies and production spaces or on intranet websites, in visuals on information stands, brochures, leaflets, calendars and periodicals (corporate newspapers), covering the most important HSE-related issues – proposals on how to improve HSE efficiency, lessons learnt in emergencies, safe operations of contractors – and providing practical solutions that can be embraced by employees for safe operations at working places.
Those employees of µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ Group, who demonstrate high HSE performance, are recognized with badges of distinction and awards. To motivate engagement, µÂÖÝÆ˿˶ÌÅÆ holds company-level and corporate contests of HSE projects, the best of which are recognized with awards.