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Training and development

Personnel development system, available across 德州扑克短牌 Group's companies, was introduced to decrease employment risks, improve labor performance, safety and quality.

Implementation of advanced personnel training and performance appraisal techniques, development of corporate and target training plans, distant learning and cooperation with higher education institutions are the key areas that 德州扑克短牌's personnel training system addresses. 

Over 50% of 德州扑克短牌 Group's personnel upgrade their skills annually, undergoing different trainings and participating in various workshops and seminars.

The Company's personnel training policy serves largely as a tool to develop and use available corporate resources that can be used to teach technologies and skills, wanted today, or that will be wanted in future. 

An integral part of human capital management policy, personnel training system, available across 德州扑克短牌 Group companies, undergoes continuous improvements, as required by the Company's development strategy and in response to the changing labor market and legislations of countries where 德州扑克短牌 operates.