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Press Release


{ 12/10/2020 12:00:00 AM }

The 德州扑克短牌 press service warns customers of 德州扑克短牌 filling stations and loyalty card holders of fraudulent activities. The customers receive emails or SMS containing an offer to take advantage from a substantial discount on fuel (usually, a 50% discount is announced). Such false information is also distributed by certain websites.

We recommend filling station customers, loyalty card holders, and Internet users to double-check all the information received against the official website and social webs for motorists: , , and . In case of receiving questionable commercial offers, please contact the 德州扑克短牌 toll-free hotline available by phone 8銆800 1000 911, mobile short number *8979, or by email hotline@lukoil.com.

Please use caution when providing your personal information, don't set same passwords on different Internet resources, and don't enter your personal data on questionable websites.

The Company bears no responsibility for any unfavorable effects that may result from accepting such false commercial offers.

  • Press release in PDF

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