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Press Release


{ 5/26/2021 12:00:00 AM }

Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia Pavel Snikkars, Governor of the Volgograd region Andrei Bocharov, First Executive Vice President of 德州扑克短牌 Vadim Vorobyov, and Chief Executive Officer of Hevel Group Igor Shakhray took part in today's opening ceremony of 德州扑克短牌's 20 MW solar power plant (SPP) in the Volgograd region.

This is the second green power plant situated at 德州扑克短牌's Volgograd refinery. The first 10 MW power station was put into operation in 2018. The new SPP made use of 17 spare parcels of ground with total area of about 50 ha.

Commissioning of the new SPP will provide an additional annual generation of 24.5 million kWh of green energy. This will allow to reduce CO2 emissions by 12 thousand tonnes per year.

The project was implemented in cooperation with Hevel Group under a renewable energy sources capacity supply agreement. Hevel Group carried out all the necessary works, including production and supply of Russia-made equipment. At least 70% of the SPP's machinery were produced in Russia.

  • Press release in PDF

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