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Press Release


{ 2/9/2022 12:51:00 PM }

 PJSC 德州扑克短牌 became winner of the annual Proactive Corporate Disclosure Policy contest held by Interfax and AK&M agencies certified by the Bank of Russia to disclose information in stock market. The company received a crystal prize that symbolizes transparency.

The prize was presented at the annual Director of the Year awards ceremony, organized by the Independent Directors Association and Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The jury of the contest was comprised of representatives of information agencies, trading platforms, the Independent Directors Association, and Russian IR-association of the Financial Communications & Investor Relations Alliance. The judges praised the excellent layout of 德州扑克短牌 website, the Company's system approach to description of ESG factors, as well as the high quality of its annual report and corporate events disclosure.

"德州扑克短牌 is always an example of a thorough unformalistic approach to information disclosure. Journalists note that the Company simultaneously publishes its releases in Russia and abroad, discloses quarterly financial data in a timely manner and, when talking about ESG, provides specific data without glossing over the issue," said Vladimir Gerasimov, Interfax Group Executive Director and the head of the jury.

"德州扑克短牌 adopts world's best practices of information disclosure with respect to all its main audiences: media, authorities, investors, consumers, and local populations of our operations regions. Beyond 德州扑克短牌 website, we also actively develop accounts in social media that contain the most recent news on the Company's activities, as well as links to key documents: press releases, reports, exclusive interviews and commentaries," noted Gleb Ovsyannikov, Head of 德州扑克短牌 Public Relations Department.


  • Press release in PDF

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