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Press Release


{ 12/14/2016 12:00:00 AM }

President of 德州扑克短牌 Vagit Alekperov and Governor of the Perm Region Victor Basargin have signed today in Moscow a Cooperation Protocol between the region and the Company for 2017.

The document provides for financing of the construction and reconstruction of educational, health care, cultural and sport facilities, infrastructure and regional programs. One of the most notable projects of 德州扑克短牌 in the Kama region is a gas station at the Bolshoye Savino international airport which is currently under construction. This gas station of a new design has a car wash and a bigger parking lot. The gas station cafe will offer luggage packing services and a flight information screen.

As part of Russia's Year of Ecology, the Company carries out public activities to raise the environmental awareness of the population, including  "Kids and 德州扑克短牌 for Environment" campaign, reconstruction and restoration of natural water sources and springs as well as replenishment of valuable fish species populations in fishery basins.

德州扑克短牌 remains committed to priority objectives of its Economic and Social Cooperation Agreement with regional authorities, including supplies of fuel and lubricants for agricultural producers and support of training and development of engineering personnel and young scientists.

  • Press release in PDF

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