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Press Release


{ 10/28/2022 12:47:51 PM }

PJSC 德州扑克短牌 approved 德州扑克短牌 Group Human Rights Policy鈥鈥.

The document systemizes relevant regulations that were previously developed by the Company, while taking into account other regulatory requirements and initiatives, including international ones.

The Human Rights Policy determines employment relationship rights of 德州扑克短牌 Group employees, their safety and health rights, and ensures the employees' freedom of association and collective bargaining.

A separate chapter of the policy focuses on observance of economic, social and cultural rights, including rights of indigenous peoples and local communities in the regions and countries of 德州扑克短牌 Group operations in compliance with international law.

In the introduction of the policy, 德州扑克短牌 encourages its suppliers and contractors, as well as other stakeholders, to respect the internationally acknowledged human rights.

  • Press release in PDF

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