4D modeling.
Anisotropic properties of the sedimentary rock and how they influence the seismic imaging and rock property forecasts.
Studying S-waves polarization (as an indication of anisotropy).
Basin modeling.
High-precision gravitational exploration.
Geo-dynamics and fluid dynamics.
Geomechanical modeling, forecast of natural and anthropogenic fracturing pattern.
Techniques for laboratory analysis of structurally complex permeable rocks, including those of Bazhenov formation.
Techniques to search and identify oil-and-gas-saturated pay beds in slate formations.
Onshore and offshore electrical prospecting technologies used in forecasting hydrocarbon accumulations.
Cutting-edge geotechnical modeling algorithms.
Petrophysics and rock physics to support seismic surveys during exploration and development of HC fields.
Improving reliability of the forecast of structural cross-section properties with the use of statistical probabilistic techniques for data processing following a multiple-choice assessment of the formation parameters using all seismic and drilling data.
Reservoir geochemistry.
Seismic techniques to support drilling and development operations.
3D seismic survey with the use of dense and extra-dense observations systems. Assessment of performance and economic feasibility.
Sequence stratigraphic analysis.
Real-time formation frac monitoring system based on emission seismotomography.
Using the results to optimize the layout of horizontal wells and upgrade the hydraulic fracturing process.
Downhole-surface electrical prospecting to forecast and delineate hydrocarbon accumulations.
State-of-the-art techniques for 2D and 3D modeling of the seismic wave field (Tesseral, etc.).
For formation property forecasting.
For synthesis of infield observation systems.
State-of-the-art methodology and equipment to improve noise immunity of seismic surveys during field operations.
State-of-the-art methodology and equipment to suppress microseisms during field operations.
State-of-the-art methods and techniques to build a near-surface section model.
High-precision calculation of the near-surface section model in digital processing of the field seismic data.
Studying the near-surface section during field seismic survey operations.
State-of-the-art technologies of 2D and 3D paleo-structural analysis.
Techniques and technologies for sampling and studying core samples and formation fluids according to state-of-the-art science and technology.
Use of crosswell seismic surveys to forecast lithology of the cross-section and permeable rocks, their porosity and permeability.
Walkaway VSP technologies. VSP technologies with the use of fiber-optic cable.
Offshore exploration technologies using standalone sub-water apparatus.
Low-frequency seismic survey (LFS) techniques used in forecasting hydrocarbon accumulations.
Signal-to-noise ratio improvement techniques for anomalous response tracking quality zones (blind zones).
For field seismic surveys.
For digital processing of the field seismic data (Multifocusing, Common Reflection Surface (CRS), etc.).
Techniques for conducting multiwave seismic surveys, processing and interpretation of multi-wave seismic data.
Seismic inversion techniques and their use to forecast rock properties.
Most successful acoustic inversion techniques.
Emission and trans-emission seismic tomography techniques for additional exploration of reserves and monitoring of development operations.
Wide azimuth 3D seismic surveys in complex seismogeological environments.
Automated controllable bottomhole assemblies to drill multilateral wells.
Drilling and completion of multi-hole/multilbranch wells.
Incompatible drilling environments for different development conditions.
Deepwater drilling.
Underbalanced and balanced drilling.
Pitless drilling.
Drilling long horizontal wells at small depths.
Computer-controll pressure drilling (maintaining the specified ECD in the annular space to prevent oil, gas and water shows, fluid loss, and cave-in).
Intelligent well completion.
Multi-zone hydraulic fracturing.
Inflow control device.
Application of expandable casing.
Drilling prospecting and exploratory wells.
Project portal for communications between the parties to risk management process at well construction projects.
Cement slurries for high hydrogen sulfide environments.
Casing drilling techniques, including large inclination angle drilling.
Process liquids for bottomhole treatment after the use of OBM.
Effects of OBM use for fracking efficiency in terrigenous reservoirs.
Techniques to select process liquids for decomposition of stable emulsions generated by interaction of formation fluid with OBM.
Acoustical action stimulating production of high-viscosity heavy oils.
Gas methods (cyclic injection of dry gas, cyclic injection of fat gas, carbon dioxide, etc.).
Dynamic testing of multilbranch wells.
Geophysical surveys of steam injection treatment intervals.
Deep-penetrating perforation.
Hydraulic fracturing with the use of pure fracking liquids (based on surfactants).
Water flooding with aqueous solutions based on Surfactant-Polymer-Alkali compositions.
Water flooding with aqueous surfactant solutions. Engineering new surfactants and surfactant compositions with extra-low interfacial tension at the oil contact, high thermal and chemical stability, as well as low adsorption.
Injection of low mineralization water.
Integration software, supercomputer calculation software.
Acid treatments involving the use of flow diverting agents. Foamed acid treatments.
Acid frac and large-volume hydrochloric acid treatments (LVHAT).
Comprehensive optimization of the field development system based on 3D hydrodynamic modeling and optimal management theory techniques with the use of innovation algorithms for rescaling the historical adaptation and development control.
Microbiological ORE techniques in injection wells.
Monitoring fracture formation process during hydraulic fracturing and microsiesmic FPM techniques.
New developments in the field of hydraulic fracturing (cost cutting without affecting the performance, super-frac technologies).
Formation fluid control equipment performing downhole temperature, pressure and composition measurements using nanotechnology.
Substantiation of the techniques for additional recovery of residual oil and water flooded formations based on technological classification of residual oil reserves.
Polymer flooding. Development of new polymers and polymer systems with high thermal and chemical stability, as well as low adsorption.
Application of horizontal wells with multiple stage fracturing.
Forecasting and mapping the water flooded zones of pay zones in oil and gas production operations following reconstruction of local geodynamic conditions in the sedimentary stratum.
Geological and hydrodynamic model updating software.
Software used to analyze the development operations, estimate the completeness and reliability of available inputs, determine the performance of well operations, select influence factors.
Hydrodynamic modeling software.
Sectoral modeling, well pattern, sidetracking parameters, and fracking optimization software.
Model checking software.
Development of the techniques to assess performance of production stimulation techniques with the use of pore space models based on the laboratory tomographic core analyses.
Development of water shutoff techniques for horizontal wells with multizone fracking.
Development of water shutoff techniques with the use of selective aquaseals.
Development of directional well stimulation techniques for horizontal wells.
Development of the directional acid treatment technique based on the composition of acids with controlled viscosity of the working substance.
Development of the directional/multiple stage flow stimulation techniques in horizontal wells with multizone fracking.
Development of the ORF improvement techniques for high-viscosity oil fields by thermal methods with the use of Polymer-Surfactant compositions with high thermal and chemical stability (up to 150鈥200 oC).
Development of selective water shutoff techniques for horizontal wells.
Development of formation coverage improvement techniques based on water flooding with the use of polymer compositions with controlled gelation time, high thermal and chemical stability.
Controlling formation coverage based on water flooding with the use of polymer-polymer compositions.
Sectoral modeling with the use of quick simulators of horizontal wells with multiple stage fracturing in a water flooding environment.
State-of-the-art geophysical techniques to control behavior of horizontal well sections.
Super paramagnetic technologies and materials for enhanced oil recovery.
Thermal methods.
Thermal-gas enhanced oil recovery methods for the Bazhenov formation.
Steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD).
Techniques for real-time measurement of formation process parameters in horizontal wells.
Flow movement profile analysis techniques for directional production wells and horizontal wells without pulling the downhole pumping equipment out of the hole.
Techniques for localization of residual reserves involving restoration of the idle well stock based on an online field and geophysical monitoring system.
Squeeze cementing techniques. Sealing leaks in the casing string, including in the head, liner, and downhole liner following completion by drilling. Sealing leaks in threaded joints of gas well production strings.
Techniques for efficient development of low-permeability reservoirs.
Technology and the equipment for cement bond, casings seal off by recovering the non 鈥 sealed cement bond piece without retrieving existing casing.
Smart field (cutting-edge integrated design technologies, including a common digital model 鈥渇ormation-well-surface facilities鈥, and continuous automatic optimization software).
Selection and application of new technologies and downhole equipment to reduce complications affecting production of hydrocarbons.
In operation of wells after frac jobs (proppant lifting, mechanical impurities).
In operation of high hydrogen sulphide wells (above 16%).
In operation of high-viscosity emulsion wells (up to 1,400 mPa*s).
In operation of high liquid temperature wells (up to 130 deg. C, Yareganeft).
Application of HC production technologies for high settling temperature oil (as shown in the diagram).
Use of chemicals in production processes (corrosion inhibitors, paraffin sediment inhibitors).
Choice of optimal components to be used in submersible equipment given the factors complicating HC production from wells (mechanical impurities, dissolved gas, paraffins, etc.).
In operation of wells after frac jobs (proppant lifting, mechanical impurities).
In operation of high hydrogen sulphide wells (above 16%).
In operation of high-viscosity emulsion wells (up to 1,400 mPa*s).
In operation of high liquid temperature wells (up to 130 deg. C, Yareganeft).
Production from hydrated horizons in permafrost zones.
Real-time oil, water, and gas flow rate meters.
In operation of high-viscosity emulsion wells (low gas content, viscous emulsion).
Real-time meters of suspended solids and petroleum products content in the injected water.
Smart field.
Formation fluid control equipment performing downhole fluid loss, temperature, and pressure measurements.
Steam injection wells (Yareganeft, Usinskoye field, Permian-Carboniferous deposit).
Wells with dual completion equipment.
Determination of the energy consumption parameters of the production well stock when planning well operations, and taking into account the influence of complicating factors on efficient oil production parameters.
Improving energy efficiency of oil production operations.
Artificial lifting.
Improving energy efficiency of oil production operations.
Oil treatment.
Using chemicals in treatment processes (demulsifiers, anti-turbulence additives).
State-of-the-art ESP systems.
In operation of wells after frac jobs (proppant lifting, mechanical impurities).
In operation of high hydrogen sulphide wells (above 16%).
In operation of high liquid temperature wells (up to 130 deg. C, Yareganeft).
In the field of energy efficiency.
Technology and techniques for use of multiple completion wells.
Techniques for control and adjustment of liquid flow rate in horizontal production wells.
Yareganeft SAGD oil production.
Ultrasonic separation gas treatment.
Development of a mobile system for utilization of associated petroleum gas at the well cluster site.
Development of a multi-phase transport technology based on the application of ejector pumping systems.
Development of process flow charts for utilization of associated petroleum gas with the use of ejector pumping and well tubing systems.
Techniques for removal of hydrogen sulphide from associated petroleum gas by UV radiation.
Associated petroleum gas treatment technology based on membrane separation.
Simultaneous oil and gas transport technology involving creation of stable oil-hydrate mixtures.
Utilization of associated petroleum gas in development of low-permeability reservoirs at remote fields.
Instrumentation of multi-phase flow meters: moisture meters to determine the water cut of the liquid flow, multi-parameter pressure and temperature sensors, vortex flowmeters to measure the gas flow rate in high-gas flows.
Measurement units designed to measure oil weight, crude oil weight without water, volume of free petroleum gas produced from production oil wells using a non-separation process.
Instrumentation packages to control environmental conditions with the use of unmanned submersible apparatus. Creating standalone and remotely operated submersible apparatus for ice environments.
Techniques and equipment for measurement of the parameters of heat-transfer agent that is injected during steam formation treatment from surface.
Techniques and equipment for geometrical graduation of tanks (optical, laser scanning).
Industrial models of the instrumentation used to measure water content in the oil-gas-water mix.
Enhanced performance and reliability equipment to measure formation pressure and temperature.
Instrumentation to measure associated petroleum gas flow rate within a wide dynamic range in complicated operating environments (inhomogeneity, fluctuations in composition and density of the measured medium), including flare systems.
Instrumentation to measure temperature in observation wells for thermoshaft oil production (multi-zone temperature gages, including optical ones).